Barakah: The Blessings the Companions Sought from the Prophet (ﷺ) and His Relics
Sheikhy Notes (UK)
- SKU:
Author: Arfan Shah (Translator)
ISBN: 978-0993599019
Publisher: Sheikhy Notes (UK)
One such abandoned tradition is seeking blessings from the relics of the Prophet (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him). This traditional practice is something that has come to be seen as strange and unusual to many practising Muslims in our time. Indeed, a great number of the general public misunderstand the purpose of seeking blessings from sacred relics or have never been taught its significance, benefit or legitimacy; consequently, they have come to doubt its acceptance as an orthodox practice of Islam.
Is there any proof that can be drawn from the primary sources to buttress the claim that it is an integral part of the religion, as received through chains of transmission to the righteous and rightly-guided Salaf and ultimately from Our Master Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bestow peace and blessings upon him), or is it innovation (bid‘ah) like some claim? This text answers these questions and more, as there are over one hundred prophetic reports confirming that this was the practice of the noble Companions and the generations that followed.
Looking into the Quran, we can observe a divine narrative portraying an example of the concept of seeking blessings (tabarruk/barakah), in which the blessed shirt that Prophet Yusuf (upon him be peace) possessed is highlighted. When Prophet Yusuf (upon him be peace) asked his brothers to place his blessed shirt over the eyes of his father Prophet Ya‘qub (upon him be peace) his eyesight returned.[1] So this is a sign that items which were in the possession of the Prophets are in fact blessed. Furthermore, it was said to be the shirt which the Prophet Ibrahim (upon him be peace) wore when he was thrown into a vast, raging fire by Nimrod, and Prophet Ibrahim (upon him be peace) was not harmed by the fire at all.
[1] “Take this shirt, and cast it on my father’s face, and he shall recover his sight.”
(Quran 12:93)