Author: Shaykh Nūr al-Dīn ʿItr/Translated by Amjad Mahmood
Publisher: Heritage Press (UK)
A two book pack comprising:
Hajj & Umrah (215x145mm, spine 11mm. 210gms. 152pages)
This is a comprehensive hajj and umrah manual of instruction on how to perform these pilgrimages, in terms of both the letter and spirit of the law, according to these schools, that shows us the great flexibility that is the characteristic of the Sacred Law of Islam.
The Pilgrim’s Companion (135x95mm, spine 9mm. 71gms. 120 pages)
This booklet comprises a comprehensive collection of supplications extracted from Shaykh Nur al-Din ʿItr’s How to perform Hajj and Umrah according to the Four Sunni Schools of Law. The majority of the supplications have been transmitted from the Prophet (SAW), while the remainder are from the saints and scholars from his nation.
About the Author:
Shaykh Nūr al-Dīn ʿItr (born in 1934) is one of the leading contemporary scholars from Aleppo, Syria in Qur’anic and Hadith sciences. For many years he has served as the head of the Faculty for Qur’anic and Hadith Sciences and as a professor at the University of Damascus and other Islamic institutes.