Ramadaan Companion : Spiritual Reflections
Al-Attique Publications (Canada)
- SKU:
Author: Faisal Abdur-Razak
Publisher: Al-Attique Publications (Canada)
Table of Contents:
Ramadaan Discourses…………..11
First Thing First…………12
Tafseer of Verse on Fasting……..16
The Prophet’s Khutabah of Ramadaan……….30
Preparing for Ramadaan some Useful Tips……….33
Dhikr in Holy Quran……….39
Dhikr in the Holy Quran Part I—IV…………..40-55
Dhikr in the Hadith…..60
Dhikr in the Hadith Part I—IV………….61-69
Some Benefit Of Dhikr Part I—IV………..72-96
Virtues of Dhikr ………..102
Virtues of Engaging in Dhikr……….103
The amount of Dhikr you should do………..107
Dhikr is an Essential part of worship………110
Warning against sitting with bad company atonement for sitting in such an assembly atonement for backbiting………………….111
Remembrance of Allah in circumstances………….115
Remembrance of Allah in an assembly……….117
Remembrance of Allah at Dawn and Dusk…….123
Excellence of assemblies of Dhikr………..130
Etiquette of Dhikr……………….133
Counting on One’s Fingers ……….136
Some useful Guidelines for doing Dhikr…….137
Excellent of Tahliil: Alilaha llla Allah……….139
Excellence of Tasbiih:………………141
Excellence of Takbiir .. AllahhuAkbar ……….148
Invoking blessing on Rasuulullaah {s} Reference…………….172